Thursday, March 27, 2014

Powerful Lives

Powerful Lives
by Estelle Nazary

There was once a sculptor who had a piece of marble. As he examined this marble he saw only flaws. He felt that he could not use it, so he tossed it aside. For many months it lay beside the road gathering dust. One day Michelangelo came along and saw this piece of marble. As he examined it, he did not see the flaws but the great beauty of it. He took it home and after four long, hard years of labor, he came out with a masterpiece, a statue of David. It was truly a masterpiece.

Jesus is seeking to make a masterpiece of each of our lives. He has the power available for us. He said in Matthew 28:18b, "all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." His great power is available for our lives as we yield ourselves to Him.

Often times we are prone to say, "There is nothing I can do. I have no special talent." But there are three areas of our lives, in which each of us may excel, if we allow the power of God to flow through us.

First, there is prayer power - Prayer is power. You cannot do more than pray until you have prayed; you can do more than pray after you have prayed. Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance; prayer is taking hold of God's eager willingness. Prayer is winning the victory over the devil; service is gathering up the results of that victory after you have already won it.

Walking along the road, chopping a typewriter, working in the kitchen, doing anything that comes into the regular round of the day affords moments when we can commune with God and talk to him without speaking words. This is the type of prayer the Bible refers to when we are enjoined to "pray without ceasing". It is understanding God, enjoying his presence, sharing his love, feeling close to him, and being aware of his will.

Each of us can have this power flow through our lives if we are willing to pay the price.

Second, there is tongue power. You have a wonderful opportunity of meeting dozens of people in one day, many who are discouraged, depressed, lonely, or even sick, and only a cheerful word from you may give them a lift. I remember on one occasion, I went to the Poindexter Branch, feeling very despondent because the doctor had just told us our little daughter could not live. There was no hope for her. It was of necessity that I went to the bank that morning for I certainly did not feel like seeing anyone. The young lady at the window was so pleasant, cheerful, with such a lovely voice, it lifted my spirits. I went back home to Brenda with my heart a little lighter because of her happy spirit. Many are the opportunities we have of using this tongue power for our Lord.

Third, there is example power. Paul said on one occasion, "Be thou an example". If only our lives could be examples of Christian living, how marvelous would be our testimony for our Lord. Jesus is our example and we must pattern our lives from His, in love, in word, in action - It's difficult at times to be an example in every phase of our lives, but Jesus said His power is available for us.

The decision is ours, if our lives shall be powerful or not. Once there lived an old man who was supposed to be the wisest man who ever lived. People everywhere came to ask the old man questions and he could answer them every one. Once there were two little boys who decided they were going to stump the old man.  They would ask him a question he could not possibly answer. They were in the garden plotting and planning what they would ask him when one little boy ran and caught a bird. He said, "now we'll go to the old man and I'll say, Old man, what do I have in my hand. And he'll say, a bird. I'll then say, is he dead or alive? If he says its alive, I'll squeeze it tight until its dead. If he says it's dead, I'll open my hand and it will fly away. Then we'll have the old man. He can't possibly answer this question." They went to the old man knowing he couldn't possibly answer their question. The little boy said, "Old man, what do I have in my hand?" The old man replied, "A bird". The little boy asked, "Is he dead or alive?" The old man looked into the face of each little boy before he replied. - Then he said, "As you will my son."

Even so, as you will, so can your life be. It can be powerful if you're willing to let the power of Christ flow through your life. May the power of our Christ flow through your life to each person you meet.

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