Suffering for Victory
By W.H. Wood
Prepared on June 26, 1945 for Edgar Renfroe’s
“And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me.” Psalm 50:15
“And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me.” Psalm 50:15
The day of trouble comes to every life. What we do with trouble is a test of
character. The Lord invites every person
to bring every burden to him. “Cast thy
burdens upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.” Psalm 55:22. The Lord said “Call upon me in the day of trouble”; “Pay thy vows unto the Most High.” The Lord invites every soul to
call upon Him in the time of trouble.
The Lord is at hand. He is able
to aid every soul. He is willing to manifest
all power needed for the best interest of the life. The greatest benediction to the soul of man
is the presence and power of the Lord God.
He will deliver the soul from trouble or use the burden as a blessing to
that soul just as soon as all is cast upon Him.
The Christian’s duty to his country and his duty to God
go hand in hand. The critics of Jesus thought they would trap Him when they put
their question to Him (Mark 12:14-17). He let them know
immediately that citizenship is related to two worlds; and that the more loyal
a man is to God, the better citizen he is.
Christian patriotism has ever led the way to the highest civil hopes of
humanity. Of this, our own country is a
shining example. From the beginning it
was founded on the Christian faith, inspired by Christian hope, guided by
Christian truth, and nurtured in prayer.
It should be a cause of profound gratitude to God that our lot has been
cast in this Godly land.
There are some things we need to remind ourselves in
which the hope of America does not lie:
It does not lie in her greatness of the past. Past greatness does not guarantee future
hopes. America has been called, “The
paradise of liberty,” but like Eden, she may become a paradise of fools. While we look back upon those things that
inspire for the present, we must look forward to those things that safeguard
the future. Conceit darkens wisdom. Romans 12:16
We do well to remember the
proverb: “Pride goeth before destruction, and on haughty spirit before a fall”
Proverbs 16:18. God’s warning to Edom applies to nations today: “The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee,
thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that
saith in his heart, who shall bring me down to the ground? Though thou exalt thyself
as the eagle, and though thou sit thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring
thee down, saith the Lord.” Obadiah 1:3-4
The American eagle today needs to make wise use of its flashing eye and
strong pinion. It needs to hark to the
sweep of the mighty winds that lash the wide seas, and rock the deep
It does not lie in her political leaders. It may be said of any land: “Woe unto thee, when thy statesmen are mere
politicians.” Although there is cause for
gratitude for patriots who serve state and nation, as there is cause for regret
that there are not more of them. It
would be well for praying people to put in their prayers: “God give us men! Men whom the lust of office does not kill;
men whom the spoils of office cannot buy!”
It is the tall men, Son-crowned, who live above the fog of petty
politics who are needed for troubled times, such as we face today. The liberties purchased by our forefathers
and of our sons of today are threatened by political blunders, timeservers and
seekers of selfish advantage. If America’s
hope be hid, it is hid to them to whom Christian patriotism is a relic of past
ages and to whom the stars and stripes have lost their significance.
It does not lie in her wealth and culture. We may witness Egypt; look at Babylon and
Greece and Rome. Witness faded glories of the past. History tells a tragic story of nations once wealthy
sunken into decay, and their greatness only a memory. America’s wealth is not in material things:
her banks and skyscrapers, and real estate, and commerce, and oil and
cattle. Material wealth is easily swept
away. Her imperishable wealth is in her
glorious traditions and incomparable history; in her Bunker Hills and
Gettysburgs, and Santiagoes in her Christian ideals, and Godly institutions. It is in her freedom of conscience and her
untrammeled liberty and her untarnished name, and her unsullied patriotism, and
her youth of today. By these things
nations live, without them they perish.
Though great be her material wealth, revolution could swiftly sweep it
away. Though great be her culture, if
she be without God, like the culture of pagan nations of the past, with their
advancement in mathematics, in astronomy, in chemistry, and engineering which
the excavator’s spade is revealing. She would have to lie down in the graveyard
of perished nations and pass on to the future a history that ended in folly,
and a name that would be only a disappointing memory. Only as the spiritual transcends the material
do nations build permanently. The
structure is no more secure than its foundation, and progress goes no further
than the vision that leads.
Where is America’s
hope? What are the elements of her
enduring strength? America’s hope is not
behind her, but before her. But that
hope depends upon what stars she shall follow.
The hope of America lies in her moral purity. That the spine of society has a serious case
of curvature is not easily denied. When
will we find a cure? That is to ask: When will the evil effects of a world at war
wear off? When will modernism cease
denying inspiration of the Bible? When
will “worldly wise men” quit discrediting the glorious gospel of the blessed
God, substituting “philosophy and vain deceit,
after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world” Colossians 2:8? When will young women cease trying to outdo
the standards of the half world? When
will commercialized vice cease to be popular, and immorality to be a fine
art? America has been victimized by a
false teaching that morality is merely a matter of standards; that what was
immoral a generation ago may be moral now; that what is below the standard
today may top the standard tomorrow; that vice in one age is virtue in another;
that there is no everlasting seal of virtue that may not be tampered with by opinion. My friends, you may heat your oven with
snowballs as soon as you will purify society with that sort of false
philosophy. Today, there is a belittling
of Christ’s standards as unworthy of virile men, and strong nations; but rather
do as you live, and live as you please.
It has produced a false philosophy namely in business - let it be
understood it is the other fellow’s fault if he is not able to take care of
himself; and in war, if other people have what you want and you are able to
over power them, go and take it, and the result of the world is chaos. There is but one rule of peace and
prosperity, whether it be for individuals or nations and Christ laid down that
rule: “Whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”
Matthew 7:12
The hope of American lies in her sane political operations. Political sanity calls for American idealism
with its free school, separation of Church and state, adjusted differences
between capital and labor: every man’s home is his castle and every man his own
priest before God – face to call upon Him and to worship as conscience alone
dictates. Will America sail straight
ahead, guided by the chart and compass of her liberty guaranteeing constitution;
or will she be lured upon the rocks of political tyranny by siren voices of
timeservers and exploiters? That communism and its sister breed of total utilitarianism
that have made Europe a vast boiling cauldron are making their bid for America. All sane people are aware and the activity of
their agents and the yielding to their seductiveness of the part of some, no
informed person will deny. But our confidence
in our nation is, that they will not succeed.
It was George Washington who said:
“Let only Americans be on guard.”
It was good policy in war; it is good policy in peace. Let only true Americans guard the camps of
our freedom. Let freedom that set the
stars of glory in our flag keep them there.
The hope of America is in her religious integrity. Darwinism has produced for us evolution’s
cave man. Nazism has produced the
super-bigot who holds himself to be in possession of the only philosophy by which
a race can grow great and perpetrate itself in greatness. Marxism has produced the human beast that
goes forth to wreck Christian civilization and bring back the dark ages to the
world. Formalism has produced religious
anemia. Modernism has robbed religion of
the supernatural, set up rationalism in the place of inspiration, and has taken
from God the glory and has given it to man.
For the living God, there has been set up the Gods of Gold, graft, pleasure
and lust. People become like the gods
they worship; and to worship these cold, dead gods is to become cold and
dead. Religious integrity calls for the
arousing of America from her religious indifference. The churches are not being opposed in
America; they are being ignored.
Worldliness saps the strength of spiritual Christianity from within and
indifference ignores it from without.
My friends, shall our nation that was rocked in the cradle
of prayer, and nurtured in the truth be among them? God forbid! I trust that
this memorial service shall call us back to the altars of our fathers; back to
their Christian faith that laid deep and strong the nation’s foundations and to
their courage that defended it. There to
light anew those holy fires of allegiance to Jesus Christ, the only Lord and
Savior, and devotion to human freedom till from the least even until the
greatest of earth shall know the Lord as a personal Savior.
As you can imagine, I was extremely curious about Edgar Renfroe. After searching most of the day, I discovered his full name was Robert Edgar Renfroe. He was from Rankin County, Mississippi.
Robert Edgar Renfroe enlisted on October 27, 1942 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He was single and without dependents. Private First Class Renfroe was a part of the 27th Infantry Battalion, 9th Armored Division. He died on May 21, 1945 and is buried at Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France. PFC Renfroe was awarded the Purple Heart. So far, that is all the information I have about him. A beautiful picture of his grave and other Americans buried at Lorraine American Cemetery are at the following link:
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