3 Fold Message of the Bible about
by Estelle Nazary
everywhere have burdens. They come sooner or later to us all!
burdens are to be seen and known of all.
burdens are to be borne which outside world knows nothing about!
may be sitting beside someone who is bearing a burden which you have never
dreamed – weighty! The Bible teaches us lessons of patience, restraint,
tolerance, charitableness, love, careful of our words, actions, and attitudes.
Things about Burdens
Every man shall bear his own
burden. Galatians 6:5
Bear ye one another's burdens and
so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
Cast thy burden upon the Lord and
He shall sustain thee.
Psalm 55:2
The Whole Story in the Bible:
are non-transferable
Born alone - die alone
Between cradle and
grave much of life is alone. Duty is personal. Responsibility is personal.
Repentance is personal. Sin is personal. Behavior is personal. Faith is
personal. Salvation and judgment is personal. Obedience is personal.
Each must give
account of himself - No one can take your place.
Christ sees the
individual - the one - We must never lose ourselves in the crowd.
Jonathan Edwards:
"Resolve that every man should live at this best always and everywhere for
God and resolve whether anybody else does it, I will."
Many burdens are social - Bear ye one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2
Paul saw a life out
of its proper place - limb out of joint - don't restore it harshly - do it
gently – have a spirit of meekness. Tomorrow you may have the burden.
Always have sympathy
for sorrowing and those with weighty burdens & heavy responsibility.
You can help lighten
the burden by good cheer, sympathy, love, prayer, reinforcement...Help people
in 2 ways:
right ourselves - one good person with right attitude (spirit) all the time and
everywhere can change a community or group in time.
it a point to constantly encourage people. No person has a right to discourage
others. Encourage – “there's a way out of this burden” – “there's a way up the
hill” – “come on and let's go together” - Speak like that all the time.
Barnabas - son of consolation.
thy burden upon the Lord. Psalm 55:22
One might say “I want
to run away from it all”. Where will you go?
If you do go, you
still have to live with yourself - memory, conscience, discord, troubles,
burden, pressure...
You can't run away
from burdens. We must face them full-fledged - straight forward.
Still small voice of
God saying you don't have to face this by yourself. Take God into your plan!
God is alive and He loves! He lives! Cast thy burden upon the Lord.
There are so many types of
burdens a person can have: A personal
burden which is heaviest of all, domestic burden which is heart-breaking, financial
burdens, mental anguish, emotional illness, disconcerted plans, broken
promises, disappointment in people, children, family members, and spouse, ill
health - yourself or one dearer to us than life...
Bring them to the Lord and He
shall sustain thee!
of 2 ways:
Either one will do…He may take it away.
He may make you well or your loved one well. He may lift you out of the
trouble. He may take it away.
He may not - Then what?
"I will sustain you" - I'll help you
through it! I'll take the bigger end of the load! I'll take all the load that
is not best for you to take! He will overrule, sustain, and help!
2 Corinthians 12:7 - Paul's
thorn in his flesh, a messenger of Satan
to torment me. 3 times he prayed to
the Lord, but the answer was No! I'm going to leave it, in order to sanctify
that experience. It will make a bigger man of you, better, wiser man, more
sympathizing man. Instead the Lord responded, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” 2
Corinthians 12:9
will take it away or He will sustain you to make you better, greater, more
useful. Sanctify it to help you so you can help others! Whatever comes, God's
will be done and in that moment peace is won!
set of footprints… God carried you through the troubles! Safe in the arms of
Where is God? What would be your
Why do people (especially Christians)
In what way and to what degree is God responsible for suffering?
If sin is the cause of suffering, whose
sin is it - the sin of the sufferer or of someone else? John 9:3; Romans 3:10,
Should we expect God to shield or
protect us in some miraculous way from suffering or sorrow? Can we pray this
without praying it for others? Can we become selfish in our praying?
Does God ever prevent or relieve
suffering in some miraculous way?
What should we let God do for us and
through us because of our suffering?
When a burden comes and a person is
bitter, how can you overcome this bitterness? How can you give love? How can
you give yourself?
Burdens or
suffering will make us better or bitter.
God whispers to
us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, and shouts in our pain.
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