Thursday, August 28, 2014

Exciting Find

The newspaper articles of W.H. Wood announcing his candidacy for Constable and his withdrawal from the race.

The Taylorsville Signal
April 9, 1931

W.H. Wood for Constable
Beat Two

            For some time the many friends of W.H. Wood of Rt. 1 have been urging him to become a candidate for Constable of Taylorsville Precinct, Beat 2.  That gentleman has at least decided to accordingly his formal announcement to that effect may be found in the regular announcement column of this issue of the Signal. 
            Mr. Wood having been a resident of this precinct for several years needs no introduction to the voters of this justice district.  He is a sober, honest, hard-working farmer, possessed of every qualification necessary to make him an ideal executive officer of the Justice Court.
            Mr. Wood has always had a good record as a law abiding citizen.  He is a successful farmer and licensed Baptist preacher.  29 year old has been deacon of the Fellowship Baptist Church for several years.  He is qualified both mentally and physically to look after the duties of the office of Constable. 
            It is his purpose to see each voter in person before the primaries, but in the meantime he covets any investigation of his life and character that the public may choose to make.  His candidacy is with the voters for their consideration. 
            He has issued the following card:

To the Voters of Beat Two:
            I take this method of announcing myself as a candidate for Constable for Beat 2.  I have never before asked for any public office.  I have lived in Beat 2 for the past seven years.  It has always been my desire to be of some service to my county and I believe I can fill this office without fear or favor.  I ask your careful investigation of my record as a private citizen and if found worthy of your consideration I shall honor your support by rendering four years of faithful service.  I think if there has ever been a time in the history of our country that we need officers that will rebel against vice and crime it is now and if elected I will make our country a better place in which to live.
            I will make the race fair and impartial holding no prejudice towards my opponent.  I will not forsake the friendship of my fellowman for an office.  I had rather come back defected honestly than to have the office unjust and I will make no effort to win votes that way.  I hope to see every voter before the August primary and present my claim personally. 
            Your vote and influence will be solicited. 
W.H. Wood

Withdrawal from the race:

The Taylorsville Signal

July 16, 1931

To the Voters of Beat 2:

I want to say that some time ago I entered the race for Constable not knowing my future by any means.  I wanted to make Beat 2 an officer if elected that would enforce the laws and make our country a better place in which to live, but I find that God must have first place in the hearts and lives of Christian people.  I have been a licensed Baptist preacher for several years, but very little preaching have I done, being handicapped without a college education.  I have found no opportunity in this great work.  I have been praying and waiting for the opportunity to arrive in which I might enter my studies for the ministry, but little did I know that the time was so near at hand when I entered the race for Constable.  I have made plans and secured a place in Clarke College and will enter this fall if the Lord be willing, therefore I am withdrawing from this race to enter my school work.  I hope no one will be disappointed and I am asking that you choose will in electing your next crop of officers.

Sincerely Your Friend,
W.H. Wood

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