Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Purpose of the Lamp

The Purpose of the Lamp
Prepared on February 28, 1945 by W.H. Wood

Ye are the light of the world... Matthew 5:14

When Jesus was on earth in the flesh, He said, “I am the light of the world.”  When He had chosen some disciples and taught them, He said to them, “Ye are the light of the world.”  He further said to them, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Physical light is necessary in the world.  All life must have light to live and grow.  As the sun is the source of physical life, so Christ is the source of spiritual life, and just as essential as physical life.  As physical light shines from a lamp so spiritual light from Christ must shine through believers.  Note the following facts about the lamp that will glow with light:

            The lamp must be lighted. 
That which makes light from a lamp comes from without.  The lamp has nothing in itself to shine.  It must have essential contact with the source of light – giving substance.  So the person who would be a light in the world must get spiritual light from Christ.  He is the light of the world.  He will freely give light to true believers. 

            The lamp must be fed.
Oil lamps, acetylene lamps, electric lamps, must all be fed from without if they are to shine continuously.  The lamp that continues to give light must have direct connection with the light-giving substance at all times.  When the source is cutoff, the light goes out.  The soul that would shine constantly for Christ must keep in vital touch with Him.  Christ is the source of spiritual light.  Keep contact with Him. 

            The lamp must be clean.
If a lamp is to give its best light, all dust, dirt, soot, etc. must be removed.  The clear light comes from a clean lamp.  The life that would let the light of Christ shine through it, must be clean.  “The blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us from all sin” 1 John 1:7  If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  He will cleanse the soul of pride, jealously, meanness, malice, selfishness, profanity, and all other forms of sin.  

            The lamp must be placed.
If the lamp with its clear light is to shine to the best advantage, it must be correctly placed.  The light must not be hid under a bushel, but placed where it can shine best where it is needed.  There is need for the bright and shining physical and spiritual light in the home, the school, the church, the store, the street, the shop, the office, and all other places where men go to serve.  Sin loves darkness, but will flee from the light. 

            The lamp must be firmly stationed. 

A lighthouse constantly moving up and down the coast would never direct a ship into port.  It must be stationed.  A flickering, moving light in the operating room would disturb the surgeon and be fatal to the patient.  So the life that will be a light for Christ must be firmly fixed on the great fundamental principles of Christianity in such a way that it cannot be moved.  The life that will be a bright and shining light for Christ must believe the whole truth about Christ and be willing to stand even unto death that truth may live.  

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